
THE PLAN OF OUR WORK – Volume 1 Number 1

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THE object and aim of this magazine will be to collect into one publication the History of the Narragansett Country or Southern Rhode Island. We do not intend to neglect anything that will in any way illustrate this portion of Rliode Island, but to preserve all of any liistorical value. We shall make a specialty of the as yet unpublished liistory and to reprint such printed historical matter as in our judgment we deem advisable. We intend our work to be conducted on a broad and liberal basis. We intend to have it a repository of facts, and a work of reference for future historians. We sliall have but little padding in our articles, and will aim to have our subjects presented in as brief and concise a form as possible, yet chained together with such skill as will present the subject under treatment in a plain and interesting manner to the attention of the reader.
We invite scholars to contribute to our columns and any friend who feels an interest in our work.
Our plan will cover the following line of subjects pertaining to Narragansett history :
I. A series of extracts from the Town Records, embracing extracts from early wills, deeds, and papers of historic value, and all matter recorded relating to genealogy.
II. A series of papers containing the list of Town Clerks, Treasurers, Sergeants, Councilmen, Representatives, Senators, Assistants, Judges, Freemen, &c., of the various towns in Narragansett Country.
III. A series of papers relating to Philip’s war ; the Narragansett Indians ; together with such other matter as will in any way illustrate this field of historical research so interesting to every antiquarian.
IV. A series of papers illustrating the history of the various churches of the various denominations of Christians in this portion of Rhode Island, and all historic facts in regard to them.
V. A series of papers illustrating the poets and the poetry of Narragansett.
VI. A series of papers giving abstracts from our record of the Narragansett Cemeteries.
VII. A series of papers illustrating the record of Narragansett soldiers.
VIII. A series of papers illustrating local history.
IX. A series of historical notes presenting in a brief and concise form much valuable historical information.
X. Papers illustrating the Natural History of the Narragansett Country will receive attention at our hands.
XI. Papers relating to some particular event or incident of Narragansett History.
XII. Papers relating to the early purchase and settlements with facts relating to the early settlers.
XIII. Extracts from old diaries will be an interesting feature in our work.
XIV. Origin of the names of places ; meaning of Indian words and phrases of Narragansett celebrity will not be neglected in our work.
XV. Anecdotes of distinguished Narragansett characters will be an amusing feature.
XVI. Historical lectures and essays upon subjects of Narragansett History.
XVII. Genealogical sketches of Narragansett families, with biographical sketclies of distinguished members, will receive attention at our hands.
XVIII. Historical notes of enquiry and notices of works pertaining to Narragansett History, or of interest to our readers and patrons.
XIX. Notes and papers upon subjects not enumerated above.
XX. We shall illustrate our work so far as means placed in our power will enable us to do.
From a locality so fruitful in historic interest we flatter ourselves there can be gathered enough matter to interest every student of history, and we ask every lover of Narragansett Country to unite with us in our effort to collect and preserve the history of the place we love.
SOURCE:  Page(s): 4-6; The Narragansett, Volume 1. July, 1882  Number 1
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