
The Treasures of the Garret

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MOST people look upon the old pamphlets, newspapers and books, worn more or less in the service for the enliglitenment of man, or otherwise showing their venerable age, as useless; and tlie garret has the loss of their society, and the flames or paper man has new victims oftener than it should be. The sacrifice of these old and venerable friends in this way is decidedly wrong, yet the very ones who do this wrong, do it, honestly believing that these works have served their day and generation, and have now no further labors to perform or service to render to man. In short, no further information to give. This is decidedly a wrong idea to entertain. The very pamphlet that would in this case be condemned thoughtlessly, might be really useful to the student of history and to the antiquarian.
We, therefore, entreat our readers in the future not to destroy these old friends, nor sell them to the rag man, but to preserve them. If of no value to them to send them, or place them subject to our order. We shall feel very grateful for anything in this line bestowed upon ourselves. Anything placed in our hands for either the Rhode Island or the Newport Historical Society we will see is delivered to them, and due credit given, and for like favors bestowed upon ourselves.
Anything older than twenty years, by authors natives of Rhode Island, or in any way pertaining to Rhode Island history, is always in order and is worthy of preservation.
We entreat, most earnestly, our friends and readers to stop this destruction and join us in an effort to preserve, and not in future destroy unless condemned first by some well known historian and antiquarian. Now, remember, in future, who aids in this work of preservation is in more ways than one a public benefactor.
SOURCE:  Page(s): 8-9; The Narragansett, Volume 1. July, 1882  Number 1
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